Filemaker pro 12 forum
Filemaker pro 12 forum

Michael Carducci does a great job of supporting the product and is quick to listen to and implement good ideas that are submitted. I think you get like a 6 week trial with full access. Although I like it so well that I may sign up for that. I don't have to pay for upgrades when new features are available.įinally.No they didn't pay me to say all of this, and that is NOT an affiliate link that I posted above. I've got online support, as well as scheduled phone support if I can't figure something out. I don't have to worry about OS upgrades and compatibility issues. I don't have to worry one bit about my data being backed happens automatically for me. If I'm away from my pc, I can access the data anywhere that has web access.

filemaker pro 12 forum

Yeah, I was apprehensive about not having my own data sitting on my own hard drive protected by my own lock and key. I used Act! for a couple of years and finally switched over to It's a very robust contact management system for entertainers (magicians, jugglers, clowns, bands, etc.) I love how it interfaces with my email account AND my website contact form and automatically follows up on leads and sends out my contract with my logo, etc.

Filemaker pro 12 forum