The kalat introduction to psychology 11th edition pdf
The kalat introduction to psychology 11th edition pdf

Possible presence of a third underlying variable. Correlation does not equal causation Two conditions may appear together but not cause each other. Changes in one are not related to any type of change in the other. Zero or near zero correlation The variable have no relationship to one another. Negative correlation (-): as one variable increases, the other decreases. Positive correlation (+): as one variable increase, so does the other. The higher the absolute value, the stronger the relationship regardless of direction. Scatter plots Display the relationship between two variables. Correlation coefficient The mathematical estimate of the strength and direction of a correlation. Ex: Google saves your search history to provide personalized ads when using the internet. Be careful on how to word the questions in order not to influence the answers. Not very reliable as subjects may lie and answer questions without knowing about the topic. Lycanthropy -> The belief that you are a werewolf Survey A study of the prevalence of certain beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors based on people's responses to specific questions (opposite of case history). Appropriate only when done under an unusual condition or circumstance. Usually done with non-human animals Case history A thorough observation and description of a single individual. Observer goes into natural habitat of the subject that is to be studied. Close to 0 = weak/no relationship Naturalistic observation Careful monitoring and examination of what people and animals do under more or less natural circumstances. Measures the relationship between two variables

the kalat introduction to psychology 11th edition pdf

Correlational studies Examine the relationship between two variables without exerting control over either one.

the kalat introduction to psychology 11th edition pdf

Descriptive studies Made over a period of time in either a naturalistic setting or of participant observations. Different than experiment because you cannot control all the variables. Observational study (Correlation or Descriptive) are used when little control exists. Experiment A study in which the investigator manipulates at least one variable while measuring at least one other variable. Cross-cultural sample One that contains groups of people from at least two distinct cultures. Random sample One in which every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected.

The kalat introduction to psychology 11th edition pdf