Standard components in lightning app builder
Standard components in lightning app builder

There are many more things that can be done with the help of this tool.

standard components in lightning app builder

The app settings can be managed from the lightning app builder.

standard components in lightning app builder

I can create custom pages in a few minutes, for both the lightning experience, as well as the mobile experience. The lightning app builder is a typical “ point and clicks” tool. Lightning App builder can be used for customizing pages both on desktop deployments and mobile deployments as well. This can be done with the Lightning App Builder. Lightning pages on Salesforce are nothing but a collection of different lightning components, that are located on the different regions of the page. We can adopt two different approaches in this case for customization. This is where Salesforce is different from the standard offerings.

standard components in lightning app builder

Any object record page in Salesforce can be completely customized and personalized using the page layouts.

Standard components in lightning app builder